How To Write Attention Grabbing Titles For Your Blog

How To Write Attention-Grabbing Titles For Your Blog


Whether you are writing articles for your own website or articles for a directory, it is important to get the title right. No one will bother reading your article if your title is long or boring to read. Even if the content of your article is brilliant, if the title is bad, surely your article will fail. Here are the most effective types of titles that will entice people to read your articles.

Types of Titles

Question Title

Typically, people are curious, so writing your title in the form of a question will make it irresistible for them to read your article just to satisfy their curiosity. However, not all types of question are applicable. The best type of question for a title is an open-ended one; a title that will compel the reader to view your article, read it, and find the answer.

For example:

Good – “Do You Know the 5 Quickest Ways to Stop Cigarette Smoking?”

Bad – “Do You Want to Stop Cigarette Smoking?”

Looking at these two titles, you’ll see that the first one is more enticing to read. It makes the user more curious about viewing and reading the article.

List Title

Another effective way to force people to read your article is to create a title that is in the form of a list. People online are more likely to read those articles that state a list of ideas or tips than those that don’t, as it makes it more compelling.

Here is the format for a list title:

“# – Ways To – Solve The Problem”

For example:

Good – “Top 5 Ways to Effortlessly Lose Weight”

Bad – “Ways to Lose Weight”

“How To” Title

More often than not, people are surfing the Internet to look for information about how to solve their problems or do something. To make an effective “How To” title, create a title, followed by your keyword or subject matter.

For example:

Good – “How to Choose the Right Web Host”

Bad – “Choosing the Right Web Host”

Benefit Title

A title in the form of a benefit is a powerful way to get people to read your article because it creates a positive emotion in the reader. In fact, benefit is what makes people purchase a product or service.

For example:

Good – “The Great Benefits of Meditation for Relieving Stress”

Bad – “Meditation Helps Relieve Stress”

Tell your readers what benefits they will get from your article so that they will learn how the benefits could help them.

Of course, the introduction, body, and conclusion are also important, as well as your writing style, your formatting, and more. However, if you don’t have a great title, nobody will ever even get to see the rest!

5 thoughts on “How To Write Attention-Grabbing Titles For Your Blog”

  1. Writing blog posts in list format has been my secret weapon. I significantly more clicks when I title the post ‘top 10′ or ’20 ways’. Even personally when I search Google I find my eye drawn more to those articles. I think it’s a good way to grab attention.

  2. Annie Marie Peters

    Very interesting. I always struggle to write good titles, so this article is very helpful for me. I think I’m going to print it and hang it up in my office as a reminder!

  3. I think you’re right that question titles pull people in out of curiosity. Human beings just can’t help having a question posed to us without knowing the answer. Powerful writing tool with lots of potential.

  4. The emergence of websites like e-how and instructables really speak to the power of ‘how to’ titles. A lot of internet users are researching for instructions and information. Using the ‘how to’ title implied that YOUR article has the answer.

  5. Strong titles are a really important part of blogging. This is good advice… and I see you took your own advice with this article title!

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