How to Increase Conversions on Your Landing Page

6 Ways to Increase Conversions on Your Landing Page & Generate More Leads

The landing page is the most important page on your website. It is the page where visitorsĀ arrive after clicking on an ad or a link, and increasing the amount of conversions that you make from the page is crucial to its success. There are a number of things that you can do to increase conversions on your landing page, many of which you can start doing immediately.

Create a Headline that Draws Visitors In

The first thing that visitors to your website will see is the headline, so you should make sure that it draws them in and compels them to keep reading. Try to include a major benefit if possible rather than just welcoming them to your website.

At the same time, try to use your main keyword within the title for SEO purposes. It is not always easy to create a title that is keyword rich and provides a benefit, but it is well worth spending the time to try and get it right.

Insert a Call to Action

You need to include a clear call to action on your landing page in order to tell visitors what it is that you want them to do, whether that is sign up to your email list, buy a product, or contact you directly. Indeed, you may want to include a number of calls to action in different locations so that visitors can always see at least one wherever they are on the landing page.

Use Simple Navigation

The navigation of your landing page can play a big role in improving conversions. If visitors find your landing page confusing or complicated, they may leave without performing the action that you want them to take.

You should therefore make sure that you have a clear layout and provide links to other major pages on your site, such as the products or services pages, so that visitors can easily find the information that they are looking for. The added benefit of this is that keyword-rich links are also useful for improving your SEO.

Constantly Test Your Landing Page

This is the most important point of all. You should constantly test your landing page if you want to maximize conversions. You could do this by creating two different versions and showing a different page to 50% of your visitors. You can then evaluate the behavior of both sets of visitors and optimize your landing page based on your findings.

For example, you may find that you generate more conversions by placing an image on the right of the page rather than on the left, or by writing a different headline. Constantly test the design and the content and continue to improve your landing page, as this is the secret to maximizing its potential and getting the most conversions possible.

Make Your Landing Page Convert

These are some of the most important things to remember to improve the convertibility of your landing page. Your landing page is so important and you should do everything you can to increase conversions, so make sure that you spend a lot of time and effort getting it right as the results are sure to pay off.

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